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Monday, June 30, 2008


What an amazing first day of camp! The students all arrived around 4pm and headed to their cabins. They were greeted by their counselors, a new tshirt, great friends, and a colored bandanna.

The teams for this year are all different beans. We have garbanzos beans, lima beans, pinto beans, baked beans, refried beans, kidney beans, jelly beans, and pork & beans. Each team will be decorating a huge cardboard can to use as their sign.

Our first game of the night was inspired by this video. But because we are at Summer Camp, and because our team theme is beans, we thought falling into water wasn't that hilarious- instead, the students fell into a pile of BAKED BEANS. It was awesome. The second game involved large green tricycles, bucket head helmets, and green beans. Pictures and video to come.

We are thrilled that our worship is being led again this year by Nic Slade and his band. As soon as the campers gathered together, and Nic began, the worship was awesome. The students engaged immediately and were singing their hearts out. It set the perfect stage for our camp speaker.

Kevin Queen is filling that roll this year. He spoke last night on being set apart. Set apart for Christ. Set apart from sin. Set apart for purpose. He also took some time to emphasize the importance of pleasing God, not just always saying, "Please, God:".

Cory led us, during ministry time, in praying together as a cabin. It was a great time for the new students to get connected, the counselors to pray over each student, and the students to join together before the Lord.

Then the rain came. Our evening activity was supposed to be a Nascar themed carnival. The carnival set up team has been working since Saturday morning and just like that, the event had to be canceled. Lucky for the students, most of the carnival activities were able to remain at camp today. So the campers will be going to the carnival at 2:30pm.

We will hopefully have more videos and pictures up for you later today or tomorrow.

Also, each night, the service will be broadcast live on the internet. You can come to this blog to view it.

As always, please feel free to come to camp any night for the service. The service on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday is at 8pm. On Tuesday, it is at 7pm.

Please continue to pray for us- the campers, the counselors, and the leadership. We believe that God is doing really BIG things in the lives of everyone here.

Check back often for updates, photos, and videos!!